Now, I never had pesto until 1998 when Lana made it for me for the first time. I fell in love with it. I’ve had many variations of it since, but I love good basic pesto, the stronger the better.
But I, for one, shall miss bookstores.
I’ve haunted them all my life, grew up with them, saw them go from grubby little strange-smelling mom and pop operations to the glory of mammoth,unending cyclopean football fields of real, tangible books—all shapes, all sizes– where you could virtually browse away an entire afternoon and have some pretty decent coffee in the interim. Hell, you were even encouraged to sit down and read for free, despite the clear eventuality of some coffee being spilt on some pages.
Several years before Bibberche was even a germ of an idea, I stumbled upon my first food blog while reading eGullet, a fascinating site aimed at exploring every possible facet of food preparation, consumption, and production. The first time I clicked on a URL of a blog, I felt like Aladdin entering the cave filled [...]
It seems logical that the honor of writing the first guest post on my blog fell to Husband, a talented writer and a grammar nazi, who reads my every post and mercilessly removes comas and errant semi-colons that I adore. And I appreciate his ardor. Man. Grill. Meat. These three things are extensions of each [...]
Closest to Morocco I ever came was at Disney’s Epcot center in September of 1996. My sister and I, free of boyfriends, husbands, and dependents spent a luxuriously worry-free week in Clearwater, Florida, and finished our vacation at Disney World. We walked around. stopping for a beer in England, and a watermelon juice in Mexico, [...]
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