Sweet strawberries shine along the mild taste of fresh mozzarella and ripe tomatoes.
Tweet A minute ago, I was sitting on the patio making googly eyes at a cloudless blue sky, breathing in the first scents of summer. A small bird with bright green feathers on its chest has made a nest underneath an eve, and weak, barely-heard chirps announced an even smaller avian yawning its yellow beak [...]
Tweet I am the oldest of three children, and when I turned 20, I was ceremoniously presented with a shortest sibling award, having my brother and sister pat my head Benny Hill style. I was not a grateful recipient by any means, coming up with every “small is better” cliché I could dig up from the [...]
Tweet Sometime in the far gone past, the Christian Orthodox Church refused to accept the Gregorian calendar. So, the Bolshevik October Revolution happened really in November, Christmas falls on January 7th, and the New Year makes its grand entrance at the stroke of twelve on the 13th of January. While everyone else has already put [...]
Tweet I divorced my ex-husband in August of 1994, when the College Kritter was known as the Tasmanian Devil. I hired an attorney, and he was so smitten by my soon to be ex’s charm, that he worked for him too, informing him of important dates, advising him on the necessary documents, calling him daily [...]
Tweet Southern California is enveloped in an enormous pewter-colored cloud which opens its jowls and sends down tiring and unstoppable ribbons of rain which bounce off the concrete and saturate my cactus plants which are usually very happy with the occasional drop of water I feed them every other day. It is going to rain for [...]
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